Minggu, 06 Desember 2015

Bamboo Cemitionary Organizer (Gubah Bentuk Material Bambu) - Desain Produk 3

Bamboo Cemitionary Organizer

Nama Karya         : Bamboo Cemitionary Organizer (Bamboo Cement Mixer Truck Stationary Organizer) 
Deskripsi Karya  : Pengaplikasian material irat bambu dengan teknik laminasi dan coiling pada komponen produk berfungsi sebagai wadah alat tulis (stationary organizer) yang bersifat mobile. Selain memudahkan user untuk menjangkau dan memindahkan alat tulis kepada user lain, produk tersebut juga memberikan kesan fun dan playful saat berinteraksi dengan produk.

Fun, Playful and Sophisticated Stationary Organizer suitable for meeting table. 

Bamboo Cemitionary Organizer merupakan produk stationary organizer yang mengangkat material utama irat bambu dengan konsep mobile, fun dan playful Bagian dari produk stationary organizer berbentuk truk molen tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai wadah berbagai jenis alat tulis. Misalnya, pada bagian kepala truk dapat dijadikan sebagai wadah paper clip, binder clip, sticky note atau benda kecil lainnya seperti penghapus dan isi stapler. Bentuk kepala dan alas truk molen pada stationary organizer tersebut dibentuk dari hasil press laminasi yang telah dipotong sesuai pola. Sedangkan bagian tabung pengaduk semen dapat dijadikan sebagai wadah pulpen, pensil, cutter, gunting, dan penggaris. Pada bagian ini, teknik coiling dikembangkan dengan menyatukan 2 buah coiling bambu. Selain kokoh, kedua teknik tersebut mampu memunculkan serat dan warna bambu secara alami dengan memanfaatkan irat bambu alami dan yang sudah dibleaching.

Produk stationary organizer ini diletakkan khusus di meja dengan kelebaran yang mampu menampung banyak orang, misalnya meja pada ruang rapat yang bertujuan untuk memudahkan pengguna menjangkau alat tulis yang diletakkan pada produk tersebut. Kemudahan yang juga mengandung unsur fun, playful dan sophisticated di mana cara memberikannya kepada pengguna adalah dengan mendorong produk. Unsur-unsur tersebut juga dapat dikaitkan dengan interaksi antar produk dan sesama pengguna.

Product Design 3 - A. (December, 2015)

Rabu, 18 November 2015

How to Make a Curriculum Vitae ? - Applied English Language

          Before stepping out to focus on our career, we need to prepare this little history paper called Curriculum Vitae. As a design student, I prepared a simple design of Curriculum Vitae consists of backgrounds, achievements and experiences both in soft skills and hard skills.

          The main content of Curriculum Vitae is :
      1. Short profile : pictures, contacts, and website / blogspot 
      2. Strong and short description about you to entrust the readers
      3. Educational backgrounds
      4. Experiences (I put both committee and organization is in different category of experiences) 
      5. Achievements

My Curriculum Vitae

          This was my weekly assignment for Bahasa Inggris Terapan (Applied English Language) class for Product Design 5th semester students of 2013. (November, 2015). 

Minggu, 25 Oktober 2015

Accessories Idea from Siung Beach

A continuation from Short Trip to Siung Beach (+ Ideas) : I usually love to collect sands and sea shells on the shore, it's like tiny pieces of memories that I've been there. But this time its' a little different. I've found broken sea shells and think about, why don't I make this into something ? After a few days of break, here's the result of what I've made :

Short Trip to Siung Beach (+ Ideas)

View of Siung Beach from one peak on top of the hill

After I finally hand up my Applied English assignment on 23rd of October, we finally decided to go to the beach for real ! It's too sudden and unexpected that we went off at around 14 : 30 and reached there almost sunset :)

Someday in another part of the world :) Amin

While walking along the shore, its my habit to lookout for sea shells. Some broken sea shell I took to make it into accessories; ideas :)

Jumat, 16 Oktober 2015

'Nattaner' Natural Rattan Container - Applied Design (Mid Test Assignment)

Nattaner is an acorn inspired cosmetics container made of 100% natural rattan using radial weaving technique. With an additional inner soft-case as cosmetics protection that can be removed to wash. This product was specially designed for indoor use and can be used by anyone.

Product Description of 'Nattaner' by Chintia

Here's few of our process' documentation :

Radial weaving for the base of the container
Continue weaving up according to the mold (soft board)

Detailed view

It's a natural fiber (rattan) mid test assignment done by me and my partner Welliana Dewi. Thank you for being the best partner and the hard work for our projects :) I'm so lucky and still looking forward to be your partner again.

Design Process and the Making of Lobboo ( Lobster + Bamboo ) - Product Design 3 & Applied English Language

Lobboo (Lobster + Bamboo) full perspective

Lobboo (Lobster + Bamboo) was our assignment this semester. The materials used in this product come from Cebongan. To begin with, we picked small waste bamboo cut from our bamboo chair workshop. At the same time, we have to imagine some alternative animals which have the similar hollow form with bamboo. After that, we have to make some possible sketches and at the same time figure out the technique we are going to use. Next, we have to choose one of the most qualified out of these alternative sketches.


          The lobster sketch is chosen because of its’ body characteristic which is long and divided into segments also its typical claws. Beforehand, we have to prepare  other supporting materials like match stick, tooth picks, iron wire, copper wire, supplies like wood glue, G-glue, rough and smooth sanding paper also important tools like hand drill, hand saw, pangot, pliers, cutter and scissor.

          Firstly, we have to draw the shapes we are going to cut on the bamboo piece. The drawing on bamboo component consists of head (4 pieces), body (10 pieces), tails (5 pieces), claws (8 pieces) and legs (16 pieces) of the lobster. After the drawing is done, cut the bigger bamboo piece vertically with pangot and horizontally with hand saw. We also used sanding paper to make the dynamic shape. At the same time, the legs of the lobster are done using bamboo chopsticks that have been cut.

          The bamboo component on each part is now ready to be connected and at the same time we have to prepare 1.5 mm hand drill, iron wire, copper wire, toothpicks, wood glue and G-glue. Firstly, we have to mark above and below of each components. Then, drill each mark on both sides with around 5mm depth. Secondly, apply a thin layer of wood glue on each connecting part then put iron wire or copper wire roughly to fit on both sides of the hole. After the components have stick together, apply a drop of G-glue to strengthen the durability of the connection. This method of jointing is applied from head to tails, while the jointing of the legs are using a tooth picks instead of iron or copper wire because it has the same color with bamboo and can be sanded.

Front detail

Tail detail

The hinge mechanism on the claw itself is made of a hollow bamboo which has been cut with an oblique and vertically so that it has a thinner form. Next, drill on both outer part of the bamboo for iron wire to pass through and act as the hinge mechanism of the claw.

 As a conclusion, we named this bamboo product as ‘Lobboo’ (Lobster + Bamboo). It is a fun and playful home decoration with its strong bamboo characteristic. It is a reformation of wulung bamboo material with different diameters. Inspired from a sea creature lobster, we mimicked its’ body characteristic which is long and divided into segments also its typical claws. With form following material method, we make used of its’ hollow form and simplified its’ shape according to the material. Besides up-cycling the waste material, we also feature on its environmental friendly design.  With the touch of hand and love we promised you a high quality of fine finishing of our product.

Product Design 3 - A. (October, 2015)
Applied English Language (End Term Test) - A (December, 2015)