Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Friendshit Bracelet #2

Friendshit Bracelet
If any of you wonders why I call this beautiful lovely handmade bracelets as Friendshit Bracelet, because it was made with full of love, but what he gave was shit. Aww a long story though...
the making of "Friendshit Bracelet"
The colour brown, orange and double white was first inspired from his so-called favourite t-shirt (its colour)
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Selasa, 14 Oktober 2014

Handmade "Friendship" Bracelet / Mengubah Garis Menjadi Bidang - Desain Produk 1

Before making the real bracelet, we have to explore about the materials, techniques, colours and combination needed to make a beautiful and a must-buy handmade bracelet. Here's my exploration (pardon my original report in Bahasa Indonesia)

The Exploration of Handmade Bracelets

The final product turn out to be so cute, I'm gonna die !!

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Tugas 1 (Desain Produk 1) - A. (Oktober, 2014)