Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

Holiday Inspiration #2 - Postcard from Snacks' Box Packaging

As a designer, we need to think about ways to reduce the used of materials. In other way, we also need to think about ways to produce a product with a small amount of waste. Or we can also think vice versa, about how to re-use these waste we produced.

Postcards made of Snack's Box Packaging (NO ADVERTISING INTENDED)

I was known as food lovers, well, I eat everything, not being picky at all, but honestly I love snacks at most. I used to live with snacks. Besides that, I used to do postcrossing when I'm back to my hometown to fill my free time. Then I came across to think about, how about turning these box packaging . . .
  . . . into postcards ?

just a few examples I made and I'm going to try sending it from Malaysia 
(I'm flying there in 20th June 2015) to myself and a friend of mine in Indonesia :'3 
Kinda missed postcrossing :')
and even the smaller side of the packaging can also be used as tags, bookmarks and other things you can imagine

It's the idea of turning waste into something useful, besides that we can also introduce our local product to another country via postcrossing ! I love this idea myself, that I even kept a copy of these packaging for my postcard collection :3 (will update asap when I really send it over until i receive it ! I'm so excited ! )

Hello Holla ~ Here's the update from Pos Malaysia @ AEON Jusco, Melaka, Malaysia last Friday (26/06
There were 4 postcards heading to Indonesia and Singapore :)
I hope they'll travel shortly and safely :) Happy Postcrossing ;)

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